World ORT Organisation for educational Resourses and Technological training
Educating since 1880

03/04 2011

"ORT-SPb" Centre took part in the City Forum of Jewish Education "BAMA"


April 3 Director of "ORT-SPb" Centre Marina Sorokin took part in the City Forum of Jewish Education "BAMA". Participants of the forum in 2011 were the teachers of Jewish kindergartens, schools and Universities, representatives of Jewish organizations of formal and informal education.
Marina Sorokina told delegates about the last project of the ORT-SPb Centre - Russian version of the web-site "Music and the Holocaust." This site is intended for a wide range of users interested in this complex historical period. It is of particular importance for school teachers - creators of the site have developed detailed plans for several school lessons, dealing with different musicians associated with the period of the Holocaust for the convenience of the teachers.

Elena Makarova, PR-Manager, "ORT-SPb"

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