World ORT Organisation for educational Resourses and Technological training
Educating since 1880

23/12 2010

ORT is 10 Years in Dniepropetrovsk

6th grade students showd their performance


On December, 21, 2010 solemn ceremony of  celebrating of the 10 anniversary from the date of ORT Technology Centre opening at the 'Levi Yitzchak Schneerson' Ohr Avner School № 144 of Dnepropetrovsk has passed.

The holiday took place at the Assembly hall of school and it has begun with the performance of young leaders welcoming visitors in four languages: Ukrainian, Hebrew, English and Russian.

On behalf of city authorities Deputy Head of City Department of Education Lubov Bashkatova greeted ORT Technology Centre and gave official gratitude from City Methodological Control Centre of Science and Education of Dnepropetrovsk to ORT Technology Centre Director Syuzanna Khachatryan. Then Oleg Rostovtsev, the Trustee of the Jewish Community and Elena Zbarzhevski, Head of Jewish Agency for Israel in Dnepropetrovsk spoke.

David Benish, Head of Representative WO Representative Office for CIS, Central Asia, Caucasian States & Baltic States thanked for warm congratulations and underlined that ORT is proud very much to be successful of its work in Dnepropetrovsk, especially considering uniqueness of Dnepropetrovsk Jewish community, and the sky is the limit.

Then awarding ceremony of school students, achieved successes in various competitions and Olympiads and also shown special successes in studying of courses «Technologies and Computer science» was taken place.  

In honor of the 10th anniversary of work of ORT Centre in Dnepropetrovsk 6th grade students prepared performance “ORT is our helper and friend”. The culmination of the holiday became the robot created by children which accompanied by the applauses of guests wrote on the big sheet of paper number 10 – a symbol of anniversary.

At the end of a celebration a pie made from LEGO with "burning" candles has been presented, and after that a real pie with ten Roman candles has been brought.

10 Years of ORT in Dnepropetrovsk (publication of Jewish Community Of Dnepropetrovsk)


Syuzanna Khachatryan, Director of ORT Technology Centre at 'Levi Yitzchak Schneerson' Ohr Avner School № 144 of Dnepropetrovsk

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