World ORT Organisation for educational Resourses and Technological training
Educating since 1880

07/04 2011

Kazan ORT School students - national treasure of Russia

Students of Kazan school #12 (ORT “Mishpahteinu") tenth grade Alexandra Safina and ninth grade Kamil Galeev were awarded with the first degree diplomas of the 5th annual All-Russian Conference "National Treasure of Russia", held from March, 23-25, and March,30 - April 1, 2011.

The conference is organized within the Federal scientific and educational program of creative and technological development of children and youth "National Treasure of Russia". The founder of the program is the National System of scientific, creative and innovative activities of young people 2010-2011.

Students of the Kazan school # 12 (ORT "Mishpahteynu") presented the following works:

  • "Catalysts for effective cleaning of gas emissions from nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons" by Alexandra Safina;
  • "The role of individual autogipnosuggestive methods in process of self-improvement (psychotherapy research)"  by Kamil Galeev.

According to the testimony of teachers Alexandra and Kamil are interested in sciences, especially Chemistry, for a long time and planning to continue their education at the Chemistry Department of Kazan State University.

Students and School express their special thanks to the supervisor of both works, a Chemistry teacher, Valentina Grigoryeva.

Semen Vainer, ORT Technology Centre Director, School # 12 ORT "Mishpahteinu", Kazan

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