World ORT Organisation for educational Resourses and Technological training
Educating since 1880

19/03 2012

Teams in the FSU are among the winners of the "Robotraffic 2012" competition

Teacher of Dnepropetrovsk city special school "Ohr Avner Chabad-Lubavitch" named after Levi Yitzchak Schneerson # 144 Mrs Natalia Goshkador and 11th grade student Ruven Pyrtch

Teams of ORT network schools from Dnepropetrovsk, Moscow, Kiev and Vilnius became winners of the "Robotraffic 2012" competition.

March 15, 2012 at the Leumi Robotics Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Israel Institute of Technology "Technion" the third contest "Robotrafik" was held where this year 8 teams from Vilnius, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Kishinev, Moscow , Odessa and St. Petersburg participated along with 16 Israeli ones.

The results of the competition, traditionally devoted traditionally devoted to the problems of Robotics for traffic safety were estimated in 4 nominations: "Careful Driving", "Racing", "Theory test" and "Presentation”.

In "Careful Driving" team of the Dnepropetrovsk city special school "Ohr Avner Chabad-Lubavitch" named after Levi Yitzchak Schneerson # 144 took first place for not making even a single mistake in both rounds. The team of Moscow ORT Technology School (Gymnasia ¹ 1540) was awarded by the second place.

A team of Kiev ORT Technology Lyceum took the second place in "Racing". Their robots passed distance in 13.9 seconds (Israeli school "Sde Eliyahu" won the first place getting through 12 seconds).

The team of the Moscow ORT Technology School was the best among the foreign (non-Israeli) teams in the test for knowing of traffic rules.

The presentation prepared by a team of the Vilnius ORT Shalom Aleichemo Jewish school took the second place in the eponymous category.

We heartily congratulate all the winners and wish them further success!

We are grateful to our donors - thanks to their help our teams could take part in this competition: Eastern Europe's largest software developer Luxoft company subsidized participation of teams from Russia and Ukraine, and alumni of the ORT Technology Lyceum named after Gerzl in Chisinau, who had provided support for their school team.

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